Construction of new Village School at N≠ama making good progress
Thanks to the generous donation of NinetyOne, JDF could embark on the construction of the 2nd Nyae Nyae Village School. In consultation with the community, the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders it was decided that the next school was going to be constructed at N≠ama. The school will replace the school at //Auru. The dilapidated school building at //Auru is inadequate for quality education and has no hostel facilities.
The new school in N≠ama will have 2 classrooms, 2 hostels, ablution blocks, kitchen facilities, a school garden and teacher flats. GIZ is providing the solar power for the school and its buildings. N≠ama is more central than //Auru, and it is expected that the school will cater for more learners from more villages. The new school is being constructed by Bushmanland Construction and Renovations, a Tsumkwe based company. Local people are employed at the construction site, they are being trained and will receive a certificate after the training.
Clearing of the construction site started in April this year, and below are some pictures of the progress to date. We will keep you updated!