Village Outreach Programme

This week we supported the Village Outreach Programme, who will visit all the villages in the Nyae Nyae Conservancy and provide information on the COVID-19 virus.
This week the Ju/’hoansi Development Fund supported the “Nyae Nyae Conservancy COVID-19 Village Outreach Programme”. This programme will visit all the villages in the Nyae Nyae Conservancy and provide information on the COVID-19 virus. They will also distribute maize meal and soap.

Hand washing
This was a joint effort initiated by The University Centre for Studies in Namibia (TUCSIN) and planned collaboratively with the Nyae Nyae Conservancy (NNC) and the Ju/’hoan Transcription Group (JTG). Additional input and planning assistance was provided by the Tsumkwe COVID-19 Task Force chaired by the Regional Councillor, Hon. Francina Ghauz. Funding comes from The Namibia Association of Norway, The Kalahari People’s Fund and the Ju/’hoansi Development Fund(JDF). The JDF -with support from sponsor B2Gold Namibia- purchased maize meal blend.

Outreach team in action
The outreach team is made up of:
- One NNC representative who will update villages on the impact to the Conservancy including tourism, game hunting, budgets and the like. The NNC will also coordinate the distribution maize meal according to households, as per their normal distribution procedures.
- One JTG representative who will distribute soap, one bar per household and conduct a lesson on proper handwashing. Fridrik will also be able to answer questions about the pandemic and translate for the other members of the team.
- One representative from the Ministry of Health and Social Services who will discuss the pandemic with an emphasis on how individuals can protect themselves and to contribute to the National effort to control the spread of the virus.
- One School representative who will provide parents and children with up to date information on the school schedule and to distribute educational materials to as many children as they can.
Thank you for everyone involved!

Every family received some maize meal and a bar of soap