He did it!

Calvin got his teacher’s diploma.
The Ju/’hoansi Development Fund has proudly supported Calvin Kazibe though a three year Basic Education Teachers Diploma, (BETD) at the Windhoek College of Education.
Against all the odds Calvin passed Grade 12 and was enrolled at Windhoek College of Education. A Khwe Bushmen and former learner at Tsumkwe Combined School, Calvin intends to return to Tsumkwe Primary School in 2013. He is the second fully qualified San teacher from the Nyae Nyae region, and is an example to other San learners, wanting to serve his community.
Below are some of Calvin’s impressions.
Parents support
Calvin: “It is really incredible to see that in a family of both illiterate parents, all their children have attended school. How did my parents know whether I was passing or failing? My parents knew the difference between a tick and a cross. Even though they never went to school they really showed great interest in our school work. Whenever I returned from school, they wanted me to tell them what we were taught about, and whether we were given homework. They could not speak English, but they could at least express themselves in the local language, so they always asked the teachers to update them on how I performed.”
After finishing Grade 10 at Tsumkwe Combined School in 2003 Calvin went to Otjikoto Senior Secondary School 300km from his parents to complete Grade 11 and 12.
Calvin: “Even though I was away from my parents, that could still not discourage me. There were seven other San learners at this school. Together we went through several obstacles, such as discrimination, we were called Bussies. They said our school fees were covered from their parents’ tax money. They said Bushmen are never absent from the dining hall because they do not know this type of food and only used to wild bush food. Most of this bullies did not happen to me because I was open with everyone, I socialized with any other tribes, irrespective of colour.”