Unique opportunity for Village School teachers

Unique opportunity for Village School teachers

Our Village School teachers are getting an unique change to become fully qualified teachers.

Teacher Training and Diploma

The Nyae Nyae Lower Primary teachers are the backbone of the Nyae Nyae Village Schools, and supporting them is an important part of our project. Ongoing support to San teachers is not only vital for the motivation of teachers, but the progression of the schools.

There are currently nine unqualified Ju/’hoansi teachers employed by the Ministry of Education at the Nyae Nyae Village Schools. They teach grade 1 – 4 in Ju/’hoansi mother tongue. All the teachers have at least a couple of years’ experience, but none of them have a Teachers Diploma. This is due to the fact that they did not completed their secondary education. In the past, their route to become qualified has been problematic and almost impossible… until now.

All nine teachers have been selected for the INSET programme. This is truly ecxiting news.

Mr Oma Khuhu and Ms Johanna Bernado

Mr Oma Khuhu and Ms Johanna Bernado

INSET Programme

The Diploma in Junior Primary Education for the in-service teachers (INSET) programme intends to equip under-qualified practicing teachers in Namibia. The teachers will learn the necessary range of professional teaching knowledge, skills and attitudes so as to ensure quality teaching in schools.

The INSET programme is offered by the University of Namibia in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture. The purpose of the programme is to qualify the current un- and under-qualified teachers teaching at junior primary phase (approximately 4000 – circa 20% of the workforce).

Village School Teachers

As our Village School teachers work full-time, the INSET programme will be delivered through a blended learning approach. This will include vacation school sessions at the University in Windhoek twice a year, combined with distance education learning, self-study, seminars and online learning. For self -study the Village School teachers have a mentor in Tsumkwe. Further in the program the teachers have to demonstrate teaching competence during school-based observations. The curriculum of this three year (360 credit) diploma programme will be offered over four years to allow participants to complete this qualification while continuing to teach. A minimum of four years and maximum of six years of enrollment are required.

Mr Cukga Hans Kaeshe and Mr Cisje Wouter

Mr Cukga Hans Kaeshe and Mr Cisje Wouter

The first session took place this week in Windhoek at the University of Namibia, and the teachers participating are: Mr Cwi Debe and Mr Oma Nani (Nhoma), Mr Tsemkgao Cwi (Den/ui), Mr Cisje Wouter (Duinpos), Mr Oma Hku-hu and Ms Johanna Bernado (Ben se Kamp), Mr Dabe Kaqece and Mr Jabulani G#kao (//Auru), and Mr Cukga Hans Kciesje (//Xa/oba).

We wishing all the nine teachers good luck with their studies! We will check-in with them soon and let you know how the first session in Windhoek has been.

The Ju/’hoansi Development Fund together with TUSCIN will support the teachers in their studies and with logistics, while The Sam Cohen Trust will help by paying for the costs of all the sessions in Windhoek.

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