That’s Gold to Us

The Village Schools Project found a golden sponsor in B2Gold.
We are very excited to announce the cooperation with mining company B2Gold. B2Gold will support our operations for the Village Schools project. This support will enable us to build our first school this year, and we will start with the school transport, the hostel feeding programme and more.
Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold has five operating gold mines and numerous exploration and development projects in various countries including Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali, Burkina Faso and Colombia.
In northern Namibia B2Gold explores the Otjikoto Mine, about 400 km from the Nyae Nyae Conservancy. B2Gold recognize that responsible social investment is an integral component of business in today’s world.
Dr Allen Zimbler, Chairman of Ju/‘hoansi Development Fund, saluted B2Gold for their commitment to supporting this very crucial grass-roots project for this remote community. He said:
“Mining has always affected remote rural communities, and B2Gold, who have deep experience of working with First Peoples in Canada and elsewhere, have shown that they are a socially-conscious and committed organisation. Their contribution to this project is extremely significant and enabling, and their investment in the Village Schools in the Nyae Nyae Conservancy is an investment in the future sustainability of this ancient community.
We are deeply grateful to Mr Mark Dawe and his team in Windhoek, and to the B2Gold Board in Canada. They have been an absolute pleasure to deal with, and their generosity will always be remembered”.
Project Manager Nicolette van der Meer is eager to start with building the first school in the village of Den/Ui:
“After years of preparations, this remarkable project will now truly start to make a change for young Ju/’hoan learners. We are thrilled to embark on this adventure with the support of B2Gold. “